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A Little Bit About Me


                Hi, I'm Harriet, and I began my journey into the world of massage as many do on a whim. A friend was getting a massage as a form of rehabilitation due to injury and raved about her progress. I tried it and liked it so much that I too began to notice the benefits.  Not only was I feeling great, but found a therapist whom I could trust to ensure the best possible benefits for my body, mind, and spirit.  Soon it became clear to me that I wanted to learn this healing art - that others could benefit from what I would learn.


                I studied massage therapy at East West College in Portland Oregon.  Here I found teachers dedicated not only to their craft but their love of teaching; and to the betterment of each student.  An in-depth study of the body structures, functions, and pathologies; as well as various types of massage presented me with the knowledge to work on many levels for the most significant benefit of each client.  To me, massage is much more than a body rub.  It represents a pathway to a more integrated whole which facilitates healing on mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels, rippling outward from each client to the greater community at large.




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